Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Okay so maybe I have started the "nesting" phase. Which means projects are in full swing in our household. In addition to trying to organize our upcoming move, Ryan and I have been using our spare time to complete my list of projects in preparation for baby Williams arrival. After much debate we finally decided on black furniture for the baby's room... that being said we had some painting to do. First we repainted the changing table- it was an all day project but it turned out awesome. Then I painted the storage baskets we bought in baby blue and green - just to add a little color to the nursery. Here is the finished project

Then I decided to take a shelf that we had been using in our bathroom and repaint it to match. I am going to put the babys first books and some beanie babies from grandma Sievert and his night light lantern and stuff on it- I painted a basket for it too

And after months of searching and our original travel system being discontinued- we finally found a travel system that we both liked equally. Ryan and I have even practiced strapping our practice baby in the car seat ( we are still trying to use the doll to teach Berk to be gentle around the baby- not sure how well it is really working, guess we will find out soon) Here is our new car seat and travel system.
Berkelee being such a good dog

Now all we need to do is finish our move and have the baby... we will keep you all posted - we love you and we miss you

Happy Halloween!!!!

I really can not believe I agreed to this but - here it is baby's first "unofficial" Halloween. Yep here it is in all its glory- my big ol baby belly. Ryan and I had a very low key Halloween, just a little belly painting and laying around. Berkelee didn't want to dress up this year - and we decided it was too much effort to get him into costume anyway. So this is it - our Halloween treat for all of you. We love you and we miss you. Hope you all had a Fun and Safe Halloween.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Were Moving ....

As if there are not enough changes happening right now, Ryan's new job, new baby coming, etc.... WERE MOVING. We have been spending a lot if time debating what to do about our apartment situation and the new baby and space, etc. And we threw around the idea of staying at our tiny place month to month for a while after baby comes, or we thought about breaking our lease a few months ago. And after a lot of prayers and sleepless nights we have finally decided to move and we found a great place too. The only crunch is that our current lease is up November 24th- for those of you keeping track, that is 6 days before my due date. Our new place is available November 1st. Now there are pros and cons to this situation. CON - we will be paying rent at two places the months of November-not our ideal situation. PRO we will have an entire month to move in and get our old place cleaned up - which at nine months pregnant is about how much time I expect it to take for us to move. In my perfect world I have scheduled everything so that baby Williams will just naturally make his appearance on November 20th - I am dreaming that my water will break just as the last box is unpacked... however now that I have this planned I am sure he will decided to come on the 5th or something.
So that is where we are at- anyone ANYONE who wants to help - that would be greatly appreciated
We love you all and miss you tons

Oh Thank Heaven for Little Boys.....

Saturday night, while the boys were all at Priesthood session - My in laws threw me an amazing baby shower. It was so nice to have family around once again. This visit Ryan's parents, his Aunt Anne, Aunt Ellen, and Uncle Butch were all able to come into town (mostly for conference). The baby shower was a great way to spend the evening and Ryan, baby and I were given so many great gifts - our nursery is really coming together.... only a few things missing - mostly baby Williams.
Aunt Ellen, Ella, Aunt Anne, Katie, Martha, Whitney and Kasey

Carina and Ernestina

Grandma Williams (Ryan's mom) made this georgeous blanket for baby Williams

Kristin got baby Williams a fancy Baby Bonkie so he can swaddle is style

Lots of baby booties to keep his little feet warm

I am so excited for little baby Williams to get here - start placing your bets on when the big day will be

Sundance, Anyone????

Sundance, Anyone??? Okay well I am getting a little bit ahead of myself here- but I am hoping that there are some free passes to the film festival for baby Williams and I. Ryan landed an awesome internship with Park City. This is such a blessing- while the commute is a little bit more then we would like and a little scarry with the upcoming snowy season, Park City is just about the best city to score an internship. The planner is really well known in the "Planning World" and very well respected- he will be able to teach Ryan a lot and hopefully get Ryan's feet into a lot of other doors and opportunities. Also Park City is one of the "More" well known cities in Utah- just about everyone, everywhere has heard of Park City so it will look great on future resumes and job interviews even out of state. And last but not least- Ryan will have to help plan and work the Sundance Film festival - only like the most famous annual event in Utah- and that is where I am planning on scoring all of my private party passes for the baby and I. I just know baby Williams is destin to be friends with Kingston James Rossdale (Gwen Stefani's baby) or little Violet Affleck.
Thank you to everyone for all of your prayers- Ryan had a hectic time of interviews and it really did pay off. We love you all