Sunday, February 22, 2009

96 hours into project sleeping lion

where to begin - last night was horrible for me. I don't think Ari got up at all - if he did he went back to sleep super quick - however I have started to hear phantom cries .... I am actually going crazy- I should be committed - I must have woken up thirty times last night, I physically got out of bed 5 times... which is really silly because even if he was crying we had already committed to NOT getting him.....
I swear I could hear him crying, I would sit up straight in bed and then nothing -
so needless to say when Ari did wake up this morning at 7:50am, I was EXHAUSTED

his morning nap was o.k. but it only lasted 50 minutes and then he would not take a second nap - (well that part is our fault- we got busy doing stuff and did not notice it was almost 4 and then by then it was to late so we decided to skip the whole second nap and move bedtime up to seven but Ari started to crash on Ryan's shoulders so we moved bedtime up to 6:30pm - I left Ari's room at 6:28pm and I think it has been quiet in there since 6:33pm

and now I am ready for bed

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are such a mom. Just wait until he is older and you still go in to check on him, fix his blankets, etc. Going crazy is part of being a mom;)
