Tuesday, January 15, 2008

In His Sunday Best

The last 6 weeks have gone by so fast - Ari is growing and changing so much every single day. He sure isn't that tiny 6lb 7oz baby anymore, and every outfit he outgrows makes me cry a little bit - I just can't believe how quickly it all goes by.... it seems like we just brought him home.
But there is a bright side to Ari outgrowing some of his Preemie clothes... his wardrobe is getting so much bigger and now he isn't limited to sleepers. So here is Ari in his Sunday Best- While I was taking the pictures Ryan got excited and went and found his old Missionary tag- priceless!!!!

Ari's nursery

Finally, Ari's nursery is finished - well 99.9% finished but to the naked eye it appears pretty darn finished so here it is - it has really been quite a project but I think Ryan and I both really had a good time putting it all together- and we can't wait for Ari to really enjoy it too...

Quick Update

Okay this post is going to be quick and boring- sorry no pictures to help narrate the post. Ari is officially 6 weeks old now, we can't believe how quick the time has gone. In a way though it really does feel like he has always been a part of our family. Ryan had his last day at Mervyn's so now he can focus on his last semester of school and his planning job in Park City. It was bitter sweet, Ryan's last day. He has worked for Mervyn's for almost our entire marriage and Ari and I were really starting to like driving to the mall to come for a visit. Lunches with Dad at work are going to be few and far between now- so that makes us sad.... (Park City is just so far away....to go there just for lunch)
But it will be oh so nice to not have Ryan work 12+ hour days anymore.
In other news - Ryan has started what should be his very last semester of school (YEAH), also Ryan, Ari and I will be attending an institute class this semester- we have decided to take Teachings of the Living Prophets - we have the nicest/cutest old man teacher. He is really a sweet guy and welcomed Ari into the class with no hesitation. He even said that I should not get up and leave just because the baby is fussing- I am so glad he was so great about us taking Ari to class. Ryan and I have always enjoyed taking institute together and since I am not ready to leave Ari with a babysitter just yet - it was either take him or not go..... so we are very grateful for that.
Our Christmas was nice, pretty uneventful but nice and quiet none the less. Since Christmas kind of snuck up on us this year we did some creative Christmas shopping. We each got our Christmas money in cash and went out together to do our shopping- we just split up the stores and mall so that we would not see what each other was purchasing - then Ryan would take his presents to the car- and then when he was done I would take my presents to the car. It worked out great - we were both surprised on Christmas. Christmas Day we went to the movies as a family - We went and saw Juno (which is my favorite movie so far) Ari was so good during the movie- NOT A PEEP....
We had dinner with Chad and Kasey which was lovely ( we had Chili Verde - and it was really good)
We spent New Years here at home just the three of us (well four, we can't forget Berkelee)
Other then that nothing much is new- we love you all and we miss you - we will keep you all posted as usual

Merry Christmas Ari

Not a whole lot to post here. This was Ari's very first Christmas - it was hard to explain to him all the politics of Christmas in just 24 days so I am not sure he really "understood". However he did manage to score a Tickle Me Elmo Extreme.

Here is Ari with his Tickle Me Elmo

Ari looking thrilled as every on his first Christmas, in his Christmas outfit that is just a hair too big

"What Dad, you didn't get me a Wii, but all the other kids got Wii for Christmas...."

I had better get a really good Easter basket.....