Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bye Bye Belly Button Ring.....

It's official - my belly button ring is gone, after almost a decade of being my own personal sign of rebellion, alas it is gone. While I have not gotten a baby bump yet, I couldn't help but worry that it would appear overnight, and if I left my belly button ring in it would leave an all too unpleasant scar. So out it came. Really it's a milestone- just one more thing I am giving up to make room for the new stage I am entering in to.I can't help but remember "when I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a (wo)man, I put away childish things." (1 Corinthians 13:11) I guess this is just me finally putting away some of my childish things. Don't get me wrong, I would give up my belly button ring and so much more for this little person I haven't even met yet. (I just wish this little one would give me a day or two without morning aka all day sickness) This is week 13 and I am on the verge of entering my second trimester. Numerous pregnancy books and websites assure me that this new trimester will be my "honeymoon of pregnancy" so lets all cross our fingers....
Beyond that we are starting to make room for baby - or atleast we have started to think about cribs and bedding and strollers and car seats. Its almost as fun as wedding registery- yeah!

Oh - in other news - May 14th we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. For a treat Ryan and I went to the Melting Pot ( I was on anti nausea medicine so I could actually enjoy and keep down an entire meal) Our dinner was delicious- and we had a great night of just enjoying each other and having great conversation. The impending arrival of our newest addition has given Ryan and I a new perspective on being alone with each other. I am sure it is the lingering thought that as soon as baby arrives - our world will never be the same. I am just glad to be married to such an amazing person who takes such good care of me and my needs. I am truly the luckiest...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I might have to argue with you about being the luckiest! :)

    I'm so excited for you guys-I wish we could be close so I could pick out baby stuff with you.

    I'm hoping that your sickness ends now and you are able to enjoy pregnancy a little. Not to make myself sound too old (even though I am!), I'm so proud of you!
