Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kiddie Kandids

Okay so we went to Kiddie Kandids and here are the results, I feel bad cause Ari wasn't really feeling the photo shoot. He was hungry (and shame on Kiddie Kandids for not having a spot for breastfeeding moms, I mean if you are in the business of baby photography it just seems like you should have a room or something- even a chair in the rest room. I refuse to sit on the toilet and feed my baby- so thank heavens for the bebe au lait- and I don't care who I made feel uncomfortable) and he was tired and we had been out running other errands all day so he was a little bothered by the whole thing. Also there just weren't that many poses you can do with a 12 day old baby- and don't get me started on clothing. We are still finding it a challenge to dress our little baby in anything that doesn't look like pajamas. Ari is still wearing preemie clothes and aside from a lot of stores not even carrying preemie clothes - the ones that do only seem to carry sleepers..... so we did not do any wardrobe changes.....
Here is Ari in all his handsomeness

1 comment:

  1. Don't make so many excuses-he looks just adorable! His eyes are so beautiful! Thanks for posting!
