Monday, August 10, 2009

Well we made it 20 months

I thought for sure Ari's first trip to the E.R. would be for a broken bone or stitches .... boy was I wrong

Some people who know Ari would say we made it longer then expected - others are shocked that this was our first trip to the Emergency room with a little boy who is so smart, so clever, and so climby ......

That's right the streak is over, after twenty months, Ari was rushed to the E.R.

On Monday August 3rd Ari decided he had a headache and took matters into his own hands. Apparently Ari is too smart for childproof, and he helped himself to some extra strength tylenol- which prompted a call to poison control (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE NUMBER TO POISON CONTROL BY YOU PHONE - GET IT THERE - IF ITS NOT IN YOUR CELL PHONE - PUT IT IN THERE, AND YOUR FRIEND'S AND YOUR HUSBAND'S AND YOUR MOTHER IN LAW'S, ETC, ETC, ETC. - GO DO IT RIGHT NOW 1-800-222-1222)

Since it was an old bottle of tylenol and we had no way of knowing how many pills were in there before Ari helped himself we were told to take him to the E.R immediately - there were three wet pills that probably had been in Ari's mouth the coating had been sucked off and one had been bitten a little

Since Ari was not having any immediate signs of tylenol poisoning we had to just sit and have him observed for four hours, at which point they did a blood draw and then if he had a toxic level in his system he would be given an antidote. It was a long wait, plus we had to try to get Ari to drink Charcoal which was daunting. The results took a little over an hour and then we got the good news that he did not have a toxic level and we were sent home.... all is well that ends well


  1. Okay, when I saw that first picture, I thought broken leg! So, I was relieved when it was only possible poisoning. ;) Soooo glad he is okay. Sorry for the first of your many scary moments to come!

  2. Glad everything turned out okay. Those little ones can sure keep you on your toes. Sorry we weren't able to met while we were in CA.

  3. Glad everything is fine. not sure if you will get this. I know we talked about it. I thought he broke his foot too from the picture.

  4. Oh - they had a heart monitor on his big toe and to keep him from pulling it off they bandaged up his whole foot....

  5. ahhh...soon they will know you by name!
