Here are some really great things about Ari -
1- he LOVES his momma, sometimes I worry that he loves me too much, recently he has taken to kissing me a little too passionately - it's really funny - and I am sure it is nothing but he turns his little head and strokes my face while he kisses me on the lips- not every time - but when he does it always makes me worry "what is this kids watching on TV?"
2- he has mastered the word NO but maybe not the meaning- and he hasn't figured out yes yet -
Here is an example:
Me: "Ari do you want to take a nap?"
Ari: "No"
Me: "Ari do you want to cuddle on the couch?"
Ari: "No"
Me:"Ari do you want to go do the mall?"
Ari: "No"
Me: " Ari, do you want some chocolate?"
Ari: silence .... silence.... "Chocolate"
yep that's another thing about my little guy - he is a chocolate ADDICT - and he does not discriminate - extra dark, milk, semi sweet.... he loves them all
Here is my little Hugh Hefner .... it's official Ari out grew his bathrobe.... (he probably out grew it months ago but we usually use this great towel my BFF Kate made for Ari when he was just born... but the other day I tried this on him and well it was a little short ..... his little baby cheeks were hanging out the back
3) Ari may LOVE his momma - but he wants to be just like his daddy - and lucky for him he is well on his way. (We found more old pictures of Ryan when he was little and Ari is a dead ringer for his twin - it amazing how Ari looks EXACTLY like Ryan. Ari has learned how to open the back door - which means it has to be deadlocked all the time... the other day, before we knew he could open the door, Ryan was out mowing the lawn and Ari ran out - dragged his lil mower out of the garage and "helped" daddy ... it was so cute
He is just too cute - anyone who meets Ari can't help but love him. 4) Ari loves to say Hi - to EVERYONE Sometimes we will be in a store and there will be somebody in the same aisle as us and Ari will say "Hi" and if he doesn't get a response from the person he continues to say "HI" louder and louder and louder.... until he gets some sort of reaction or we change aisles. It's really funny - also Ari loves to say Thank you - its too cute - we will be at the store ( I swear we do other things besides shop) and when I finish paying Ari always says Thank you to the cashier and the bagger.... its adorable
Ari has also recently taught himself how to put CD's in the Bose and turn it on - he loves to Dance. Ari loves doing flashcards - he will pull them out and bring them to you and say "Cards....Cards" He gets so excited as he gets them right he jumps up and down and his voice gets louder.
Oh and yesterday - without prompting - Ari took a picture of Jesus and said "Jesus" ..... awe... Ryan and I are doing something right - (or the nursery is!?! ) we'll take the credit for that one though
P.S. Ari wanted to remind everyone to go and DONATE to AVON WALK - Ari knows that his mommy is doing this walk for all the boys and girls who's mommies are battling this very horrible disease and for all the mommies's who have lost their fight - No kid should have to lose a parent to cancer - GO DONATE