Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Jobs

Ryan and I started our new jobs this week. For those of you who haven't already heard I got a job offer I could not refuse. I am working for an amazing boss, with awesome benefits and its finally a job that really makes me feel like I have found my calling. The hours are a little hard to get used to, its pretty much a 24/7 sort of thing- but there is a fitness plan and a really relaxed dress code - basically I feel like I was born to do this job....
Okay so that being said, Ryan got a job with HealthNet which is a health insurance company and he will be doing something to do with benefit applications or something like that - it sortof in a weird way has something to do with his planning degree and his internship (instead of approving or denying an application for a sign or a building he will be approving or denying applications for benefits.....)
We are both happy with our new positions - and adjusting to the transition quite well. I am just so grateful that we have been blessed with this opportunity, and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time- Ari is days, maybe minutes away from walking)
Okay, I know what all of you are thinking - "Joy, you are a stay at home mom now, SO UPDATE YOUR BLOG and put up some pictures....."
About that, in this whole transition to being a stay at home mom- I had to give up some things, one of which was my beloved blackberry, and while I would gladly give up my blackberry or just about anything else to stay home with Ari - something tragic happened during this transition period
DISCLAIMER.... I do not, nor ever have, claimed to know anything about technology....

Okay, so we are horrible parents and basically the MAJORITY of Ari's life has been captured and saved on our phones- first picture, first time he rolled over, sat up, ate food, etc you name it- we took the video/picture with our phones.... Well long horrible story cut short- I some how deleted my memory card when I switched to my new phone and LOST EVERYTHING, sure Ryan had a few pictures and video - BUT I HAD EVERYTHING - and its all gone, this is still a very sensitive subject and I have actually FEDEXed my memory card to a computer guy to see if he can possibly extract a picture or video or two ... so we will see
So now I am busy backing up, and rebacking up every picture and video that we have remaining - so once I get all my backing and rebacking done - then I will have time to post and put up pictures, (the ones I have left)

we love you all and we miss you
p.s Ari has 6 teeth
p.p.s Ari climbs on absolutely EVERYTHING
p.p.p.s Ari loves to swing and swim (but never at the same time)


  1. That is so cool that you get to stay home! Life is so wonderful when you get to raise your kids. So sad about all the pictures, hopefully the computer wizard can retrieve some. It is great to have you blogging again!

  2. Yipee, I am very excited for you! That stinks about the pictures, but at least you have a few remaining.

  3. Yipee! I am so happy you get to stay home, now I can call anytime! Hope your pictures will all come back to you and the camera/phone guy is a genious!

  4. Hey Joy
    So nice that you're able to stay home with Ari. Sorry about the pictures, I hope the computer guy can retrieve some for you. Enjoy your time with Ari, my kids have grown up way too fast. Love you

  5. That is the best job in the world... I miss you too! Give me a call sometime, and when you are ready, I can do loans in CA now that I switched companies...

    Love you Joy!
