BUT ... nothing really that exciting has happened in our world to make us blog worthy?!. We bought a jeep liberty (not really planned- but ok) so now we have 3 cars. Anybody want to buy a 2002 Mazda Protege 5 ? (super clean runs great sad to see it go)
I am now officially a Grad Student at Cal State - Northridge, Ryan's job is going well, Ari is getting so flipping big... same ol' same ol'
A keep getting bugged for more pictures of Ari - sorry I have been horrible at documenting his life- but in my defense, come to my house and just TRY to get a decent photo of my son who is constantly in motion from sun up to sun set....its just near impossible. And the other thorn in my side (our camera) doesn't make things any easier
but here you go for those who were asking:
DODGER NIGHT - (Mormon Night)
we went to Dodger Night this year it was so fun. Andre Either hit a grand slam to win the game -
Okay so that was Dodger Night ....
Ari has taken up reading as a favorite past time. He is such a funny guy I will be looking all over for him and I go upstairs and find him in his room sitting in his rocking chair looking at his books-
We took a day trip up to Santa Barbara to go to the zoo up there- and decided from now on we will go to the LA zoo (hopefully next year we can make a trip down to the San Diego zoo.
My favorite boys at the zoo
YA! - what the heck??? Where have you been?? :) The blogging world missed pictures of that sweet little boy.