Friday, February 20, 2009

The results show.....

okay if you tuned into this post thinking you were going to hear me gush about American Idol- you are going to be sorely dissapointed.
BUT for those of you following the saga of sleep training - well here you go - the results after night number 1
Ari cried for about 45 minutes total and then was out- I was finally able to peak in without waking him up .... oh he looked so cute, I wanted to grab my camera and take a shot or too but I knew that was just tempting fate.
We did hear him wake up once probably around 9:30pm but he only cried for less then a minute and that was it. I didn't even attempt to go back in there -

Ryan and I got to sleep at 11:00- without fighting with Ari (who usually has his second wind by then and is going CRAZY) I got to sleep next to my husband for this first time in AGES ... okay well like a year

We heard another peep from Ari around 11:15pm and again I hesitated, took a deep breath and counted to 10 and when I was done - so was Ari - so I didn't need to go in at all

I have to admit that I did not get a good nights sleep- I did miss my little guy - and I kept worrying that something was wrong, that I was doing the wrong thing - that I needed to go and check on him, etc. etc. but I stayed put

and guess what....
ARI SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yep that is right, the boy who we would jokingly refer to as "on the boob all night" was totally fine not nursing -

We woke up at 7am when Ryan gets up for work and heard some noises (pre- cry) coming from Ari's room so I went in there and picked up my happy baby boy!!!!!

So night one is down - yeah it was better then I expected - but I am preparing for bumps in the road.

This whole thing is a little hard on me however - one of the perks of having Ari sleeping with us, on our schedule was sleeping in- on most days I could get Ari to sleep in til atleast 9:30 or 10:00-
but with this new earlier bed time - 8:00pm, and new rise time 7:00am - I will have to adjust
Did you know the morning show it 4 hours long --- and to think I thought it was just Kathy Lee and Hooda .... WOW

anyway - today Ari and I took his first nap together - (hey I miss cuddling with him) he napped from 9:00am to 10:30am

and at 1:30pm I put him down for his first nap in his crib........YIKES
Ari cried until 1:38pm and I haven't heard a peep yet ......

Oh.... the other thing about this whole "sleep transition" we are doing is the new curfew we have... Ari's bedtime routine starts at 7:30pm so that means whatever we have planned for our nights needs to get us home before 7:30pm - oh well we will adjust

I am already loving the time I get to myself (and not having to worrry that Ari is getting out of our bed or off the couch, (where he usually napped)


  1. Congrats! That is so great. Bill always had to talk me through not going in to check on them when they stirred. We also did a 15 minute cry it out and it always seemed like they stopped crying at minute 13. It drove me crazy. Life with a schedule. Oh, it makes it exciting when you have a babysitter and are out past 7:30!

  2. Congratulations! I still go in and rock Graham sometimes just because I love how cuddly he is at night when he wakes up. It lasts less than 2 minutes, but all the same, he's my baby and sometimes you have to do it.

  3. So excited for you, a whole new world has opened up!! I miss you guys!
